Medium Format 120 & Oversized Film Scanning Service

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Simple Pricing – Any large format negative or positive film up to A4 size all one price

A4, A5 120

Medium Format

Panoramic 35mm (Sprocket Rocket Camera)

6×4.5cm Half Frame

6x6cm Square Frame

6x7cm, 6x8cm

6x9cm Full Frame

127 Film



Professional Digital Scanning pana1
Slide Scanning Service
Medium Format Negative

Medium format images are larger than the usual 35mm negatives and slides that are commonly used, at Mr Scan we classify any image larger than a standard 35mm image as a medium format image, this includes mounted and un-mounted film.

Medium format film takes much longer to scan than most other types of film which is reflected in our prices.

By using all of the technologies below we can substantially improve the image quality

DIGITAL ICE Technology – Removes Surface Defects (dust and scratches)
DIGITAL ROC Technology – Restores and Corrects Colour
DIGITAL GEM Technology – Reduces Film Grain Noise
DIGITAL SHO Technology – Optimizes Contrast and Exposure

Any image corrections made using our LoupeDesk Photoshop Suite as below:







2400 DPI


2400 DPI


Saved as



Dust Removal

Yes Digital Ice & Compressed Air

Yes Digital Ice & Compressed Air

Colour Correction

Full Digital ROC

Full Digital ROC

Grain Noise Reduction

Full Digital GEM

Full Digital GEM

Contrast and Exposure

Full Digital SHO


Full Digital SHO Technology



Full Film Image


Full Film Image




Inspection and touch up

Full inspection

Full inspection and touch up where required

General Information


This is the service that 90% of our customers use. Great for the home and family photos


All images scanned in JPG format


This service uses multi-pass scanning technology for up to 16 scan passes for faithful reproduction and smoother gradation where required

DIGITAL ICE – Removes Surface Defects (Fine setting)

DIGITAL ROC – Restores and Corrects Colour
FULL DIGITAL GEM – Reduces Film Grain Noise
DIGITAL SHO – Optimizes Contrast and Exposure

All images scanned in TIFF format

TIFF Technology is a loss less compression used for printing larger images at for example canvas printing

Professional service uses multi-pass scanning technology for up to 16 scan passes for faithful reproduction and smoother gradation where required

DIGITAL ICE – Removes Surface Defects

DIGITAL ROC – Restores and Corrects Colour
FULL DIGITAL GEM – Reduces Film Grain Noise
DIGITAL SHO – Optimizes Contrast and Exposure







Confused as to what type of film you have, please see our film guide, click on the question mark on the left for more information on each type

Professional film archive scanning of Medium Format 120 Film to Digital download, USB or CD. High resolution Medium Format film scanning at low costs

  1. We strongly recommend sending medium format images in for our free trial service before bulk ordering this service. Results for this type of old film do vary with the age and condition of the original material. We will always do the best be can with the material provided.

  2. We do not scan parts of film strips, each strip must be scanned in full, we scan all image as separate images.

  3. We use high end CCD scanners which give great results, we do not claim to use or use drum scanners which can produce slightly better results however to scan using a drum scanner the costs are around 10 times what we charge, we give a great image at a fraction of the cost of drum scanning, most images when compared show little if any difference

  4. Glass or plastic sleeves mounted  – If you want the best quality scanned image it is best that we scan images without their glass or plastic sleeve protection, our scanners do scan very well with these type of mounted images however it is usually much better with it removed as there will be much less dust and focusing will be much sharper. If you wish to have your films scanned without glass/sleeves then you need to remove the glass before sending them to us, we can not remove and remount the glass/sleeves as part of our service. Any glass slides that are cracked will also need the glass removed prior to sending as this will be picked up on scanning.

  5. Image order – We are sorry it is not possible to scan or keep images in any particular order. With medium format film we use multiple scanners where image order sequences are not possible. We can not guarantee any preset order.