How it works ?
How to place an order with us:
Don’t worry if you do not know exactly how many films/negatives/slides you are sending as there is no payment required at this stage, just use our website quote generator or prices so that you have a rough idea.
No payment required up front orders are invoiced upon completion. (or you can pay in advance via our website if you like)
Getting your films to us – All you need to do is send us your films in either a jiffy bag or box using the post/courier or via a personal visit to our studio in Farnham, full details click here
Your order will then be logged onto our system and you will be updated via email throughout the process.
Invoicing – Sent via Email – Once all scanning has been carried out we will email you an invoice, please keep an eye out in your junk email folder for this.
Then the big day – This is the exciting part!! We will email you a secure link to your digital files for you to download then enjoy and share with your friends and family.
Finally, we will return all your original films along with any additional digital media unless you request that we securely dispose of them.
All to complex? then simply print our order form and post it along with your films to us and we will take it from there, once scanning is complete we will send an email invoice and then return your films and digital files.